"If you want to make the world a better place, just look at yourself and make that change..." ~Michael Jackson

"Get busy living or get busy dying..." ~The Shawshank Redemption


"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..." ~Semisonic

Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Uniform ~ Update

Yesterday, I received a call from my boss, telling me about the infamous new uniform they had ordered for us.  Well the week day receptionist, went out an bought her own pairs of Khaki pants at Khols, but they ordered the pants for me and the said Blue Blazers for both of us.  Now, come to find out, from my boss mind you, that the Blazers look like they could fit Shaq, so will be going back.  In the mean time my new pants are in but need to be heamed before they can be worn.  Well the other lady decided to take matters in her own hands and go online to Macy's to see what she could find in the Blue Blazer.  She found it, so she's set.  I bet you know where this is going don't you?   I took matters in my own hands too, since Dilliards was having a SALE an extra 40% off marked down prices.  Don't have to tell me twice, yehaw, I'm there.  OMG, I'm hyperventilating, there is loads of awesome stuff on sale, and it's hard for me to stay focused on what I'm actually there for.

Khaki pants:  I'm going to be brutally honest with you, just like Jenny McGarthy would be.  It is so hard to find just the right pair of Khaki's because they are the one pair (aside from too tight white) of pants that show every buldge, and cellulite nuget you have on your lower half.  Not a good look.  I mean seriously Ladies, can we talk!  You know who you are and it's ALL of us, we've seen those women out and about with those pants on and said to ourselves, "What was she thinking, I wouldn't be caught dead in pants like that..."   Ok, so you do know what I mean, Thanks.  Guess what I found a pair, no buldges and  NOT on sale. 

Next the "Blue Blazer", well that was a whole other matter in itself.  I looked high and low, in and out, up and down, but the only thing that could be found was just a little too large (size 20).  Just about ready to give up, and this lady comes by, "Can I help you?"  Why not, after all she does work here.  "Do you have any Navy Blue Blazers?"  So we begin to look together, and just when all hope was lost (Argh, I'm not leaving WITH OUT MY BLUE BLAZER...), she finds one.  Beautiful I say, how much?  "$228.00 (Ugh, I grimace at what Ric will say about that), but it's marked down to $199.00 and it's a Pendelton".  You can't go wrong with a Pendelton (That's what you think lady...).  Oh brother, what  to do... OKAY, I'll take it.  Fine choice she says, you won't be sorry (HA, you have no idea).  So she's ringing up my new purchase, when all of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I see it!  A Navy Blue Blazer, just my size for $99.00, but not on sale.  Perfect, I'll take this one. 

So I guess I'm set (only 1 pair of pants right now, need 2...), for work with my New Uniform.  Hope their happy.

By the way just to celebrate, I bought myself a new bottle of parfum,  ~Poppy~ by: Coach $60.00, Priceless considering what I just went through. 

Now bring it on...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Feed me Morris, feed me...

Bowyn's fish pond, before he fed them half a can of food...

Brutus style

What a life...

Just Hangen Out

Monday, August 23, 2010

Admiration (Men)

I didn't want it to be said that I did not have any admiration for Men, because I do, just wanted to collect my thoughts about them.  Here they are.

First off would definitely be my Husband ~ Ric:  What can I say, but that he's the love of my life.  We married on a Monday morning at around 10:00 AM, July 21, 1980 by the Justice of the Peace.   It was as a small ceremony, perfect and intimate and we loved it because it was about us.  That's us Simple.  I never really thought about what, where or how our life would be, I just knew it would be.  Our life has been perfect and we wouldn't change a thing.  He's my best friend, and we adore spending time together.  He's an amazing man, great father, wonderful grandfather, true friend and admirable worker.  I love you, always have, always will. You and no other for ever...
*He inspires me to be more affectionate, loving and kind.

My Dad ~ Howard:  My dad was always one of the hardest workers I know and he provided for my brothers and I, such a wonderful life.  Since he worked on the railroad, he was gone a lot, but always managed to spend as much of his free time with us as he could.  Every year we went to Maine/Canada for 2 weeks, to visit our families, cousins, Aunts and Uncles on both sides of the border so to speak.    It was awesome and we loved every minute of it.  Those trips were priceless to us.  Since my Dad was from Canada, he always ice skated and grew up with a hockey stick in his hand.  This carried over to us as kids, as he would take us to the park and we would skate and play hockey with him.  Just to watch him on the ice is amazing, even to this day.  He just glides so smoothly, it's beautiful.  He's my Dad and I am truly lucky to have him in my life.  I love you Dad...
*He inspires me to save my quarters for a rainy day.

My son ~ Nicholas:  Wow, what a great individual he is.  Sometimes I have wondered if he was switched at birth, because he has always been so amazingly intelligent and bright, a true wonder.  He doesn't like to show his soft sides, but strangely enough they are there.   He's extremely patient, while teaching, caring of others and makes them feel good about themselves and their work.  His work ethic is tremendous and will serve him well in his career.  We have been very blessed to have him as our son and smile when he's around.
*He inspires me to try to be more intelligent and open minded.

My Uncle ~ Colby:  He is a great uncle.  When we were little and visiting while on vacation, he would take one of  us on his delivery route with him.  He used to deliver bread for Sun Beam and they had the best chocolate cake donuts with glaze on them.  YUM!  He would always bring some home for us after his route was done.  One time we got to ride in the Potato Blossom festival in his old Model T Car.  It was a classic, just like him.  He has be battling lung cancer and arthritis for some years, so you can imagine the pain he is constantly in, but he still maintains a good attitude.
*He inspires me to fight harder and see the good in all things.

My Grandson ~ Bowyn:  He makes me feel like Peter Pan with all the wonderful adventures we have together.  It's amazing to feel that free spirit. He's a true blessing and I'm so thankful he is in my life.
*He inspires me to be silly and see life through a childs eye.

I love all my Men, God Bless and Thank you for everything you've done for me.


Ric and I went to our 30+1 HS reunion(1979 Westland HS - Galloway, Ohio)this past Saturday.  What a hoot!  This is the first for both of us, so now we can at least cross it off of our Bucket List of things to do.  You have to understand, that neither one of us were popular or even liked school to begin with, so even going to this was huge for us.  This was the first invitation we had even received in all these years and it was just to Ric.  Ha, just have to laugh at the whole thing.  Nothing ever changes, except for the interesting fabrications that people come up with to sensationalize their lives for others.  Now do get me wrong, as we did have a good time.  We sat at the same table with Ric's sister Nikki and her friend Kristen, so drinking with them was a blast as well as our mutual comments on everyone.  Can you just imagine...

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Admiration (Women)

I've been thinking of late, so much about who I admire and who inspires me. 

My Mother ~ Janet:  Who doesn't dare admire their mother!  My mom moved  away from the very small town she grew up in (Fort Fairfield, Maine), with my dad (Howard) and my oldest brother (Dan), to come to Columbus, Ohio because is was said that jobs were good there.  She raised 4 children (and never took any crap either), mostly alone, with no car.   My father worked on the Railroad and was gone so much of the time.  She's a great lady, always giving of herself to others (quilts,  afghans, etc...), but most of all she's my best friend. 
*She inspires me to give more of myself to others.

My daughter ~ Jessica:  She has gone from the girl that hated kids and would never have any, to the best, most patient and loving mother of Bowyn I could ever have imagined.  I admire her for her athletic ability.  As slender as she is, she can knock the biggest guy around on his ass in one fell swoop, and leave him wondering just what hit me.
*She inspires me to be more out spoken and courageous.

My Friend ~ Gayle:  I met Gayle when we started working together in 1999.  She was always coming up with ideas to start a business (Doggie Day Care, Photography, etc...).  We would all just say "Yeah, that's a great idea", and that was it.  She finally took the leap and started her own business.  I admire her courage to take such a step.
*She inspires me to take more leaps out of my comfort zone.

Meet ~ Opal:  This is one of the residents where I work.  Can you guess how old she is???  She will be 101 in December.  She hardly looks 80 if you ask me.  When her grandson asked if she was afraid of dying she said "No, matter of fact, I think it will be a wonderful adventure."
*She inspires me to want to live a long life and be Happy with what I have.

Meet ~Virginia: That's a song you know, and she deserves it.  This lady is also a resident at work.  She just turned 102, last week.  She's small but feisty.  She uses a walker, but it's just to push her way through her everyday life as she certainly doesn't need it for walking.
*She inspires me to move past any and all unwanted obstacles to get what I want.

Others that inspire me: 
*My Aunt Gail, for the taking care of my Uncle who has cancer and arthritis.  Life can be hard but some endure because of love.
*My Nephew's wife Nina, for her writing skills and artistic talents.
*Lindsey Rynolds, for her true grit spirit.
*Katie Lehman, for the courage to go abroad and live alone in a foreign land.
*Lindsey Blades, for her spunk and living life on her own terms.


As you can probably tell by now, I can get bored with things (Blog layout), so I like to change things around and try new things out.  It's like a Free mini vacation for me.  I do the same things around the house too.  Always moving things to different locations.  Although it can get confusing epically if you move the coffee pot, so I don't move that anymore.  A change is good for everyone, it makes things new and interesting for awhile at least.

Hope you like the change.

Friday, August 13, 2010


So the other day I get this call from my new job, telling me that they have decided that the receptionist will now be wearing uniforms.  Khaki pants, white blouse and blazer.  Hmmm, wish I would have known this sooner, since going out and buying new dress cloths and shoes to wear.  That's okay, whatever you know.  At least it won't take me forever to get ready now, as there won't be any choice's on what to wear except for shoes.  I am a little concerned about the blazer thing though, hope it's not red and with big shoulder pads.  Ewe, little head on a big body, not a good look for me and I don't want to scare the old folks to death.  Keep your fingers crossed it's Navy. 

PS) I'll get back with you...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A funny story

Laugh for the day.  We have lived here for 18 yrs. and have never had any problem with this until last night.   Here's the thing, we can park 2 cars in our drive way with no problem.  Except last night Ric had the tail of his car too close to the sidewalk, blocking it (not that we have a lot of heavy foot traffic) and guess what happened?  That's right, our ever faithful police men (bored I'm sure), gave him a warning ticket on his car (while in OUR driveway mind you).  What the #@$*!  I ask, are you kidding me.   Guess with the economy as bad as it is, they feel they need to make some extra cash to cover their expenses.  Thought you'd get a kick out of this story.  

Hmmm, Do you think I should send it back to them with the remark: "Slow work day" or "Are you serious" on it?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What's UP?

Brutus has been acting strange for a few days now, actually since Sunday.  We can't figure out why or what it is, but he doesn't want to go outside by himself, and when he's out there, he just keeps looking UP.   We have tried to figure out what on earth it could be:  Did something fall out of the tree and land on him?  Did someone throw something at him?  Maybe a Big Hawk flew down and tried to swoop him up, but realized he was way too chubby to get!  Whatever it was, he's scared.  Maybe he needs Dog Therapy.  Poor little guy.

The Winner Is - Preview

Here is the New Vera Bradley bag that I won yesterday from Hallmark.  What do you think?

Monday, August 2, 2010

Bowyn's Birthday

Since Bowyn just turned 3 on Friday, Jess had his awesome, fun party on Saturday.  Here are a few pictures to enjoy.
P.S.)  Thanks Uncle Nix for my new ride.  I love it...

Hidden talent

I have been down with a cold for a few days now, so it's cough, cough, sneeze and blow the nose.  Well I have found that I have a Hidden talent.  Strange thing to add in here I know, but it's true.  Drum roll please:  Whilst blowing my nose, air squirted out of the corner of my right eye, and sprayed on the inside of my glasses.  Now how weird is that!  Have you seen those programs on TV that have people doing strange things like drinking milk and squirting it out of the corners of their eyes? Ewe.  Who comes up with this stuff anyways?  Trust me I don't think I'll try the milk thing, YET!

The Winner Is?

When it comes to winning things, I've always felt I had the worst luck.  Seriously, when I get scratch off's or Lotto tickets for Ric, I say just put them in the bag, so as not to touch them.  It's that bad.  Well, today is different, I just got a call from one of my favorite stores "Paperphanlia"(Hallmark), and won a Vera Bradly bag in a drawing.  Ye haw, maybe my luck is changing.