"If you want to make the world a better place, just look at yourself and make that change..." ~Michael Jackson

"Get busy living or get busy dying..." ~The Shawshank Redemption


"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..." ~Semisonic

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What not to do!

Today I learned Not to let a 2 year old paint the bathroom with you.  They just don't seem to have the concept of a little paint yet.  Oh, well it was a nice thought anyways.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Updates on Abby's Quest

I am so amazed with this 16 year old young lady from CA.  She, as you know wants to be the youngest to solo cercumnavigate around the World in 6 months.  Her trip started on 1-23-10 and as of today she is here: 

I'm now scheduled to be at the Horn Tuesday. It is pretty exciting watching how much closer I get each day and with all this wind I should be able to make up for some of the time I lost dealing with my autopilot. Right now all I have up is my little staysail and I'm making 9.5 knots!

Cape Horn is supposed to be a difficult pass, which she should head into tomorrow, so let's keep her in our prayers.  You can check out her site (http://www.abbysunderland.com/) and blog so you can travel around the world with her.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Making a Donation

I must admit that I can be a "Quilty Giver", which is sooooo wrong.  You know when you get those request for a donation in the mail and they send you out labels with it, Ug, I feel so quilty about keeping the labels, that you guessed it, make the donation.  Last year was a successful year for alot of charities out there, due to my quilt.  Now due last year, we are being bombarded with request for donations, so much so that we don't want to answer the phone anymore and the mail is a whole other matter.  Sometimes you even feel badgered into giving.  This is  just not giving from the heart.

So I've decided to really try and comes to terms with the quilt and whittle it down to a small few (2-4) that I feel has a true place in our heart.  This will take some time, but it is now on my Long Term To do list. 

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Movie Review

We wanted to send out our recommendations for you to view the new movie out called "BandSlam" .  If you like music, it reminds you a little of Glee, but also reminded me of "Valley Girls" (80's flick w/Nicholas Cage).   It's quirky, and Cool.    Try it out and let me know what you think.

A New Image

So what do you think about the New improved Blog?  I love it, it's so Springey and ME.   Don't forget to scroll to the bottom to check out some cool images.  I hope you like it too.

The ball

As you know there is an ongoing battle of the Ball between Brutus & Bowyn. You'll never guess where I found not his orange ball, but his tennis ball; stuck in the Sub Woofer of the surround system. What a challenge to remove that was.
Stay tuned for their next adventure.

Abby's Blog

Yesterday while checking out a few things in the Blog world, I came across this amazing Blog called "Abby's Blog", she is 16 years old and is amazingly enough traveling around the world in a sailboat. This is her day to day account of her trip so far. This is a short synopsis of her story:

It has been my dream since I was 13 years old and began single-handing, to one day sail solo around the world. I am 16 years old and this blog will contain the story of my attempt to become the world's youngest solo circumnavigate. Visit my official website at www.abbysunderland.com.

All I can say is WOW, amazing.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Wii update

Wow, it's awesome (Red Steel 2). I'm pooped already, but what fun. Think I'll have to use both arms or else I'll have one "Grannie Flapper" and one "Terminator" arm, hmm won't that look silly.


Guess what the new Sword fighting game came today. I can hardly wait to try it. Sure hope I'll be able to do it. Wish me luck.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

More reality TV

Sarah Palin's Alaska series to appear on TLC1 hour and 38 minutes ago
The TLC network will air Sarah Palin's eight-part series about her home state of Alaska.
Network owner Discovery Communications announced Thursday that it had acquired rights to the series. It's being produced by Mark Burnett, who produces "Survivor" and several other TV series.
The series tells stories of some of Alaska's unique features as seen through the eyes of its former governor. It will be called "Sarah Palin's Alaska."
Discovery reportedly won a competition for the series with the A&E Networks. There is no immediate word on when it will premiere.
Copyright © 2010 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. The information contained in the AP News report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.

Are you kidding me!!!

To Do List

I am a big believer in a "To Do List" and Post-it-notes. This would coincide with the Clutter theory also. You can have various "To Do Lists", such as Today, short term (for the week) and long term (for the month/year). Having the list and crossing chores off as you go makes you feel 3 things:
  • Gives you a direction
  • Keeps you organized for the day
  • "Happy" when accomplished tasked are all crossed off the list.

Keep them posted where you can see them. Carry them in your car or purse. Try to do something at least once a week off of your short or long term list, then those list will decrease and again the Happiness theory sets in again.

Post-it-notes are great also, like in the laundry room to remind you to wash you dryer lint trap once a month and change your furnace filters every 3 months. Put them on the mirror to remind you to take your pills or just to let the one you love know how much you care about them. Again, Happiness.

The point here is this: You might just find out how much freer er you feel about your accomplishments and you'll have more time for FUN stuff.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Habits of Happy People

There are small pleasures that can help make a person Happy everyday. For example:
  • coloring
  • fresh washed cotton sheets
  • the smell of a baby
  • laughing
  • singing in the shower
  • movie theater popcorn
  • sunshine
  • a bubble bath
  • an afternoon nap (I love this one)
  • puppies breath & Cheeto paws
  • butterflies
  • hummingbirds
  • Girl Scout cookies
  • hot chocolate (Yum, think I'll go get some now...)
  • green lights all the way home
  • the smell of fresh baked bread or chocolate chip cookies
  • a new magazine in the mail
  • a letter or card
  • jumping in puddles or chunching leaves
  • outdoor fire pit or indoor fire place
  • Friends

Just thought I'd share. Have a nice day.

A little trivia

Bet you didn't know that there was a "Saint Susan". Yeap, she was the patron saint and guardian of innocence and saviour from infamy and reproach.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Health Care

Finally! One good thing to come of this, is that now we can get Jess back on our insurance until she's 26. That's great.

Monday, March 22, 2010

7 Year Anniversary

Here's a question, did anyone realize that the 7 year anniversary of the Iraq War was on Friday, March 19th, 2010! That's right (I have it posted on my calendar...), 7 years. Did you hear anything on the news about it? Did our President recognize it and our hundreds of troops for their constant services and dedication to our Country? Well if you did, when and what channel was it on?

Seems to me that we have our priorities screwed up, when we can neglect such a hugh occasion, such as this. Our Troops are Our People and they NEED US, every moment of every day, not just now and then.

Maybe with the Healthcare Bill finally passing, others will start thinking of more important matters which need to be fixed NOW. We shall see.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Wii Game

Wow, guess what? Nintendo has come out with a new game for it's Wii game. Many but not all of you know that I have a secret passion for sword fighting. Well that's the game. Can you believe it! I've always wanted to take Fencing lessons, now I'll be able to do it in the comfort of my own home. What more could you ask for. (I just have to find it now...)


Can I just say, "I Love Lowes". It would be awesome fun to work there. We usually go there after breakfast every Sunday. It's fun and something we really enjoy. Their magazine is especially awesome for ideas at home.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Holding Hands

With such a beautiful day out, all the walkers/joggers were out as well. There was this couple walking and holding hands, and I thought to myself "WOW, I remember those days". Ahhh, to be young and in love.
It got me thinking that why can't marriage be like a court ship too. You remember: you hold hands, hug, a touch, it's a look, a smile, a laugh, a giggle, a tickle, corny jokes that you laugh at when really they're not that funny, you get my drift.

The point is, why does the court ship have to end when you get married? We become to complacent in our lives and take each other for granted. We just don't work at it (the marriage) like we did when we dated.
Think about!

I say we start dating each other again, just to for the FUN of it...

Something NEW

So I've decided to add something NEW to the site as I feel strongly about this. Located on the left, you will find "SuzView~Give for the Day". I will post my give whatever it may be here everyday (I hope...). So check it out.

By the way, while your there Please feed the fish. Just click on them and they'll get food. I think one died the other day.

Clutter update

Okay, so maybe the task of the clutter thing was a little to daunting, let's try 1 closet at a time, then Linen, Coat, Pantry, Kitchen, Bathroom (s), Bedroom (s), Living Room and Family Room. Leave the biggest projects (Basement & Garage), for last. Maybe make it your goal for the rest of this year, after all we have 9 more months left in the year.

As Bob the Builder says "Can we do it? Yes We can..."

Shingles update

Here's your update on the Shingles. Today is a great day, best I've felt since the 8th. So I'm "Back in the saddle again" (that's a song you know, maybe Roy Rogers?), Ye haw! You know the only thing about this whole ordeal is other than the excruciating pain, is the fact that I couldn't get my hair done on Friday. Yep, my hairdresser said "Eew is that like the Swine Flu!" NO, it's more like the Zebra Flu (Red & Grey). Since I'm so close to the grey hair maybe now is the time to try it out or on for size. All I can said is now it looks like I have 2 heads in stead of one (Head & Hair).

Keep praying for me and have a wonderful Saturday.

Friday, March 19, 2010


In this book I've been reading "The Happiness Project" they have a part in there about cleaning out the clutter in your home. Here are a few types of clutter:
  • Nostalgic clutter: things we cling to from earlier in our life.
  • Conservation clutter: things we've kept because they were useless to us.
  • Bargain clutter: buying unnecessary things because they're on sale (Oops that's me, need to work on that one).
  • Freebie clutter: gifts, hand-me-downs, and giveaways that we don't use (You know me, if you don't use it, re gift it).
  • Crutch clutter: Things we used but knew we shouldn't (old tee shirts).
  • Aspirational clutter: Things we own but only aspire to use (too small jeans).
  • Buyer's remorse clutter: hanging onto something because we are afraid to admit that we never should have purchased it in the first place (who wants an "I told you so").

Okay, so there you have it. I guess the point is this, say, God forbid you passed away and your family came in and went through your things. First of all, I know my kids would be the first to say "What the H---, was she thinking",(Mom, this is probably what we will do when you guys have passed...) then they would probably just throw it away, rather than salvage through it. Why should we put them through that. Take a quick test: Stop where you are, take a good hard look around your home and ask yourself WHY is that here? Do we use it? Could someone else benefit from it? Could we make some $$$ if we sold it on EBay? Just imagine your self getting rid of your unnecessary clutter and how much free er you would feel. After all, remember you can't take it with you when you go.

Just thought I would unclutter your day for you. Have a good one...

"Shingles" update

I'm hanging out my shingle to say: "Pain bad, pain medicine good".

I'm tired of being shingled out here, but the truth is today is the first day I've actually felt like doing anything other than be a slug on the couch. I can only hope and pray that this is on it's way out, as I am over it trust me.

If you want any information on this matter you can go to: www.shingleinfo.com and get some great info. And by the way, if you haven't already, get the vaccine...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

This is a Public Service Announcement

Here it is folks, my Public Service Announcement to you: There is a "Shingles Vaccine", get one...

You can get one at any "Take Care Clinic" of call 1-866-TAKE-CARE to find out a location near you. The cost is $219.99, which may be covered by your insurance company.

Monday, March 15, 2010

What Next?

The other day was the Dazed & Confused thing, with the ear ache and all, and of course the medicine thing to tackle the problem, which turns out to be a Bigger problem than diagnosed on Friday. So late in the night Saturday (12:30ish), I woke up and was for some odd reason feeling my head (not a normal thing to do in the night), and wallah, a bump. That's right a bump the size of a quarter is on the right side of my head, 2.5 inches above aching ear. Mmmmmmm! Now I'm like freaked out as to WHY there is a bump on my head since I haven't hit it lately. OK, so everyone knows that I have an active imagination, so need more be said on this. Argh, I have a tumor.

So "what to do, what to do". Should I wake Ric up, naw "he's sleeping so good, and he'll think I'm over reacting" as usual. Time passes, still thinking, ah, movement "he's getting up (bathroom break), now's my chance. "Ric, I found a bump on my head and I'm worried since I haven't hit my head lately" "It's okay, go back to sleep..." Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Gee thanks, glad it's not a heart attack. So thinking progresses throughout the rest of the night.

Now in the morning, I've already decided to go the the emergency room to have it checked out for good measure. Ric, by the way doesn't remember anything from the night before. So, anyways off I go the the E-room, check in, get checked out by the Dr. and Guess what? It's not a Tumor it's "Shingles" and not the kind you put on your house either. What the heck is that about. Here's the thing, the earaches are apart of this whole bump on the head thing, so it's not sinus (which is what the other Dr. treated me for with Amoxicillin). Now I could start a pharmacy, with all the other meds which I need to take for this. Wonder how long this will take to get over.

Oh brother, what next?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dazed & Confused

Can I just say that most of the time I feel as though I'm walking around in a dazed & confused manner. Most of the time it's probably due to the Menopause stuff (the mind really gets crazy during this time of your life) "Is that compared to any other time!" Well now let's tack on a cold, with a stuffy head, now your even more confused. The best part of it is taking medicine to hopefully alleviate the symptoms, and you guessed it, now your just plan stupid. You should just stay home and hide out, as you could get lost out in the big world of unconfused people.

Lately, I find myself scratching my head and wondering what the H was I doing. Bet this is what Alzheimer's is like at the start. Better book my room now then.

Signed, Dazed & Confused

Thursday, March 11, 2010

You can't make this stuff up!

Read on (yahoo news):

Actress and sometimes singer Lindsay Lohan filed a lawsuit against financial-services company E-Trade on March 8, 2010, saying one of its television ads "used her name and characterization" without her permission. What characterization was she referring to? A baby named Lindsay that is referred to as a "milkaholic." Apparently, Lohan takes offense to other people — fictional babies included — being referred to as any type of -holic. Lohan's lawyer went on to claim that the company was clearly referencing the socialite because she has the same one-name recognition as people like Oprah or Madonna and that E-Trade was "using [Lindsay's] name as a parody of her life." Lohan is seeking $100 million in damages.Read more: http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1970915_1970917,00.html?xid=yahoo-feat#ixzz0hsRcRORA

HA, Like I said," You can't make this stuff up". How desperate can you be for fame...


Attention, LOOK NOW at what's falling on hard times:

By HEATHER HOLLINGSWORTH, Associated Press Writer Heather Hollingsworth, Associated Press Writer – 3 mins ago
KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Facing potential bankruptcy, the board that governs the once flush-with-cash Kansas City school district is taking the unusual and contentious step of shuttering almost half its schools.
Administrators say the closures are necessary to keep the district from plowing through what little is left of the $2 billion it received as part of a groundbreaking desegregation case. The Kansas City school board narrowly approved the plan to close 29 out of 61 schools Wednesday night at a meeting packed with angry parents. The schools will close at the end of the school year.
Although other districts nationwide are considering closures as the recession ravages their budgets, Kansas City's plan is striking. In rapidly shrinking Detroit, 29 schools closed before classes began this fall, but that still left the district with 172 schools. Most other districts are closing just one or two schools. (A copy from Yahoo News)

This is so extremely disturbing. The economy is NOT getting better as those out there would have us believe. WE should be concentrating on OUR jobless/poor economy NOW, instead of putting ALL our efforts into a new Health Care system. Don't get me wrong, that is an issue, it's just where we are right NOW with our poor economy is more important. Take for instance the unfortunate situation at OSU the other day, with the guy shooting his boss, another worker then himself. Awful! People are feeling so desperate that they feel no way out, so look what they are turning to. This is NO way to live, for anyone.

Here's a famous saying: "Wake up America!"

Let's fix this and soon...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Creation Museum

Today found us visiting the Creation Museum, in N.KY. Wow, really a cool place to check out. We had Bowyn, so we could not really stand and read all the information they have posted about the place, but if your kid is DINO crazy like Bowyn, then it's the place for you. The grounds are also amazing with lighted Dino bushes and sculptures. They also have a petting zoo with a camel, goats, lamas, zebras ( Zorse), ponies, cows, donkey (Zonkey), etc. We had a great time and were pooped out by the time we finished with everything. Maybe another time perhaps. All in all a great day was had by all.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Job search

Why does searching for a job, have to be such a task. I have to admit, I've only applied for 5 jobs in my life and fell into the rest of them. Even considered myself to be a 2 year career person, as this was just a fluke as well (you know, cut the position, moved away, stuff like that). Hmmm, after reading this and calculating it all, I have worked quite a bit. Interesting. Anyways, back to the point, I feel bad for all of us unemployed people out there, searching for that JOB. It is my hope that WE ALL find one soon, and that the economy turns around so that there will not be any further layoffs/closings or down sizing.

God bless all those out of work people out there. Hang in there and keep hope alive, we need it.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Thirty "30"

This year, 2010 seems to be the year of the "30". So far, my husband Ric, has celebrated his 30th year at his workplace. Now considering today's market place, where your lucky if you can make it to 5 or even 10 years, your doing good for yourself. But we all know that back in the day, our fathers or even mothers if need be, were considered lifers and jobs felt a little bit more sacred than they are today. Companies and employees are not like they used to be and that's NOT a comforting thought for our youth. Maybe things will change! We can only hope they do.

This year we will also be celebrating our 30th Wedding anniversary. Wow, thereto is another feat, considering the divorce rate of our youngsters. I wonder do they really know the meaning of "True Love" or "Sole mate"? Like on the Bachelor, he said he was in love with 3-4 women. Are you kidding me! Sometimes it feels as though people quit on each other too quickly. They plan give up. I don't understand it, but I do pray that my children will eventually have what we have. 30 years plus a life time of happiness together.

I would like to say that my son will be 30 this year, but it is not until next January that he will be, and can I just say "That" hits me harder than 30 years of marriage or even turning 50. In other words, our first born, baby boy will be "30". Yikes! But then again, thats next year right. Life is moving quickly, it's a good thing we enjoy it. Thirty "30", it's a good number.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Okay, so you know everyone likes to do for others, well I'm no different than the next guy when it comes to giving. So the other day after chatting with my brother, Don about random stuff, we also got on the topic of Moose Hunting permits. Considering the fact that we went to Maine last September and are planning to go again this September (hopefully), I decided to check into it, what could it hurt and it might be also fun too. So of course you know me, Yeah you guessed it, signed up for 4 permits, one for each of us (Ric, Nix , Jessica & myself). It seemed like a good idea at the time, and I was so proud and excited. Well last night at dinner in our random conversations I told Ric the good news... Guess what, it was NOT good news. He said "Now why would I want to go Moose hunting, and really Jess, are you kidding me" Oh brother, I'm in it deep now.

So Not a good thing to do, and I must say I was not thinking clearly (no alcohol involved either), just a dumb move on my part.

But here's the confession, I just gave my brother Don 4 more chances at getting a Moose permit, so see it's not so bad after all. Today is another day and I'm forgiven once again. I love you Ric.

Friday, March 5, 2010

My Special Purpose

While being unemployed, is a nice but not wanted vacation for most people, I have to say I've enjoyed the time off to do nothing. Although now it is time to dig in and find a job or at least a "Direction". You know, the next adventure. It' kind of like what Steve Martin said in the movie "The Jerk", "What is my special purpose?" You know what I mean!

I view myself as a kind of Heinz 57 variety, many talents but not sure which way to go now. I keep praying for a direction, but think it will happen like a big BANG or POOF, there it is. Whatever it is or where ever, just hope it's good and happens soon. Not just for me, but for everyone out there seeking the same thing.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Ball

My grandson, Bowyn has a real thing with hiding our dog Brutus's ball. We have found this ball hidden in the strangest places; in purses; behind the couch or chair; in the cupboard; pantry; plant stands; high up on shelves; on the bed; locked in the bathroom; on the kitchen counter; outside in a tree, etc. You name it, he's done it. Not sure why he hides it, other than the fact that the dog adores His Orange Ball, and constantly wants you to throw it, and of course it makes the most annoying sound you could possibly hear. Which trust me, if your watching a good show and he is sqeaking his ball, YOU want to hide it from him. Who knows, all I know is that this hide and seek thing with the dog and his ball are a never ending battle at our house, maybe when Spring gets here things will lighten up, and Brutus can keep his ball all to himself. Doubt it.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

iPhone 3G

Isn't technology amazing. Have you seen those new commercials out promoting the new iPhone 3G? Wow, it's so cool. Know what got me the most? That you can actually turn your lights off and on at home from your phone. Now that's just cool (wonder if you could check to see if you left the iron on). Now if only they could do that on your key fob for your car, just imagine the possibilities there. Not only could you turn your car on, but you could turn on the defroster if need be; set your seats to be heated (love that feature); or turn on the air conditioner; tune your favorite radio station or get you grandchild's movie started. The possibilities are endless.

You just wait, we are getting closer to the "Jetson's" than you might think. I mean just consider Skype for instance. We just need that instant facial that Judy Jetson used to put on before she answered her space phone. Wala...

Think about it.

PS) I do not own an iPhone, just thought it was interesting is all.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Shovel Ready

So this is interesting. Today while driving down the road, in front of me was a dump truck with a sign posted on the back "Caution, road work ahead". Well now it all makes sense to me, I said "Light bulb moment". You see, I just passed a freshly repaired pot hole. Get it! "Shovel Ready". Of course that's NOT what the Government has lead us all to believe, as supposedly WE are now in the "Shovel Ready" phase of the down trodden economy. Just interesting is all, since the Construction Industry has been waiting for something to take off and get ready, and what I saw was the "Shovel" being used as a patch tool. Hmmm, is that kind of like what you use in Photo Shop?

Just thought it was interesting. Makes you think doesn't it...

Have a nice day.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Rambling's of a mad women

Welcome "ME", to the first day of SUZVIEW, which is me and my view. I was telling my husband, that there are so many things going on in my head, which drive me crazy and I needed to get them out. So maybe a blog would help. Wasn't quite sure how to go about it at first and would like to personally give my thanks to my niece, Nina as my inspiration.

When I was little and had a diary, trust me I wasn't sure what to write, so here is a sample: Got up, ate breakfast, went to school, came home, ate dinner, went to bed, and so on.... Now I guess I have figured it out, at least I'll try. The challenge will be to use the words I, My, and mine as little as possible. Do you know how hard that is. So guess this is supposed to be like just chatting, and getting your view points across, right?

For a bit the thought was to write up the view points as an editorial for the newspaper, HA! At least here they have a chance to be posted and seen (maybe). Now I'll need to think of something to write about. Keep you posted.