"If you want to make the world a better place, just look at yourself and make that change..." ~Michael Jackson

"Get busy living or get busy dying..." ~The Shawshank Redemption


"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..." ~Semisonic

Friday, March 19, 2010


In this book I've been reading "The Happiness Project" they have a part in there about cleaning out the clutter in your home. Here are a few types of clutter:
  • Nostalgic clutter: things we cling to from earlier in our life.
  • Conservation clutter: things we've kept because they were useless to us.
  • Bargain clutter: buying unnecessary things because they're on sale (Oops that's me, need to work on that one).
  • Freebie clutter: gifts, hand-me-downs, and giveaways that we don't use (You know me, if you don't use it, re gift it).
  • Crutch clutter: Things we used but knew we shouldn't (old tee shirts).
  • Aspirational clutter: Things we own but only aspire to use (too small jeans).
  • Buyer's remorse clutter: hanging onto something because we are afraid to admit that we never should have purchased it in the first place (who wants an "I told you so").

Okay, so there you have it. I guess the point is this, say, God forbid you passed away and your family came in and went through your things. First of all, I know my kids would be the first to say "What the H---, was she thinking",(Mom, this is probably what we will do when you guys have passed...) then they would probably just throw it away, rather than salvage through it. Why should we put them through that. Take a quick test: Stop where you are, take a good hard look around your home and ask yourself WHY is that here? Do we use it? Could someone else benefit from it? Could we make some $$$ if we sold it on EBay? Just imagine your self getting rid of your unnecessary clutter and how much free er you would feel. After all, remember you can't take it with you when you go.

Just thought I would unclutter your day for you. Have a good one...

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