"If you want to make the world a better place, just look at yourself and make that change..." ~Michael Jackson

"Get busy living or get busy dying..." ~The Shawshank Redemption


"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..." ~Semisonic

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First day of school

Today was Bowyn's 1st day of Pre-School.  How exciting.  At first when I dropped him off and they got him out of the car, he had that deer in headlights look, but he didn't cry, he just took her hand and walked inside.  They have a 2 way glass room inside, so I spent the entire time observing and he did great, and when he came out with his teacher to get back in the car he said "I'm coming back tomorrow".  He was all smiles and absolutely loved it.  After that we went to Waffle House to celebrate.