"If you want to make the world a better place, just look at yourself and make that change..." ~Michael Jackson

"Get busy living or get busy dying..." ~The Shawshank Redemption


"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..." ~Semisonic

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Senior Citizen Care and Coroporate Greed

I've decided to give my service in helping out with the shortage of care givers where I work, and am furious, nay OUTRAGED, that some of the hardest working people in the Senior Care Services, make some of the lowest wages.  Note that this is across the board in America.  They are extremely under staffed, over worked, under payed, and under appreciated by the Corporations they work for. 

Senior Care Services are one of the fastest growing over all markets in America, but the Corporate Greed is and will continue to put our Seniors at risk for abuse and or minimal care due to the lack of care and consideration of the Care Givers.  They are the ones that spend most of the time with our Seniors, NOT upper management.  They just book the sale, then move onto the next person.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE where I work, the people are good but the Seniors are AWESOME.  Our caregivers are Great and they love the Seniors they care for everyday.  It's just so unjust that they are some of the lowest paid employees out there, but yet do the HARDEST and some times dirtiest work.  Those in Corporate America need to make some conscious changes in the way they operate, in order to REALLY GIVE THE BEST SENIOR CARE AVAILABLE TO ALL PEOPLE OF EVERY SOCIAL BACKGROUND. 

It's not about who makes the most money, it's about team work, customer service, care and support for all employees across the board, so that as a TEAM we give the BEST CARE to our Seniors as well as our employees.

This is SuzView after all...


  1. Guess you learned a lot, in your first day, on the job, last evening! Are you sure you don't want to run for mayor or some office where you could really make a difference!??????The only time people even think about Nursing Homes and ficilities, is at election time! Think about it! Oh yes, they might think about it, if and when, they are in there! RIGHT?
    Talk is cheep!Unfortunately!

  2. I guess you are more aware now that you are getting closer to 50 (and the clock is ticking)!!! scary isn't it??
