"If you want to make the world a better place, just look at yourself and make that change..." ~Michael Jackson

"Get busy living or get busy dying..." ~The Shawshank Redemption


"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..." ~Semisonic

Friday, May 21, 2010

A simple question...

Here's a simple question:  "Was today Friday the 13th?"

Jeepers, where to start.  First off today was my hair appointment.  Now everyone knows that you don't schedule anything, call me or expect anything from me for at least 1 1/2 hrs.  Every Friday, once a month @ 9:00 A.M. you can expect this to happen and it's been that way for YEARS.  I look forward to this 1 1/2 hrs. to myself and that's all I ask for...

So today starts off with the drain in the basement backing up due to so much, you guessed it, damn rain.  So while I'm trying to get out the door, now I need to use the plunger to try and get it under control, so as NOT to flood the utility room.  Operation successful.

Now sitting in the chair at the hair dresser, my phone rings.  Are you kidding me, you know your not supposed to call me...    Of course I didn't answer it. 
1 1/2 hrs. later ,  the hair is colored, cut and I'm ready and feeling like a new woman again.  Until!  I called home...

All I heard was "The water backed up in the basement and  we're hungry."   Well get the damn plunger and start plunging, who care's if your hungry!  Great, just what I needed, Ric is out of town and now this mess.  Once I get home and check out the damage, what a mess that was.  All I can say is "Bowyn ear muffit, Grammy's gonna blow!"  And boy did I, so off I go to Art's Rental to rent the Auger of Augers.  I just wanted to get this fixed and cleaned up before Ric got home so it was one less problem to tackle.  Hmm, no such luck, that thing would not budge as much it was tried.  So now the drain still needs to be auged out and we can only pray that, that's all that needs to happen to the drain. 

I also lost the headset to the phone, so out in the rain I went in search of the stupid thing and come to find out I left it in the Van by mistake.

To sum things up; I got a great hair cut, still a clogged drain, but found the phone.  What a day.

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