"If you want to make the world a better place, just look at yourself and make that change..." ~Michael Jackson

"Get busy living or get busy dying..." ~The Shawshank Redemption


"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..." ~Semisonic

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Test of will power

Since we have been changing things in our bathroom, today I decided to test my will power and go to my favorite store "Dilliard's".  It's been since Christmas since I've visited, so trust me this would be the ultimate challenge.  To start things off, the parking was awesome and got me a front row spot, then the doors opened up to me like the parting of the Red Sea.  Inside was so bright and inviting you could almost hear Arc Angels singing.    Each department was beckoning me to come for a visit, shoes, cloths, kids, purses.   Yes, I said purses!  This was the hardest challenge as there was this amazing Coach bag on sale that was so ME,  and it fit just right, but there was this sound in my head saying "Put the purse down Susan and walk away"  (the voice was familiar and sounded so mcuh like, "Sharon"...)  It was almost too much to bare, as I almost succumbed to the temtation.   But I just hugged the purse, said a sad good bye and walked away. 

Shewwww, that was a close call.  I stayed the course and made it to the Home (Bath) section, where I hit upon an amazing clearence sale.  Can I just say, "Wow, that was fun".

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