"If you want to make the world a better place, just look at yourself and make that change..." ~Michael Jackson

"Get busy living or get busy dying..." ~The Shawshank Redemption


"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end..." ~Semisonic

Monday, April 19, 2010

You know your too old when...

Monday's are always my long day with Bowyn, so tought we would do some planting outside.  We had lost our Dogwood tree to an ice storm in 08, so guessed it was time to replace it.   Today Bowyn and I were on a quest for the perfect tree.  First of all it takes alittle to get going, so after lunch we were on the road.  The first place we went to was a garden nursery with 20% off all their tree's.   They're were so many amazing and it was so over whelming, so many to choose from.  Well I was just getting into a grove when all of a sudden I hear "Grammy, I have to poo..."  Yeap, right there with no bathrooms in sight (Great, just how much poo can one little guy have?  He's gone twice this morning already!  Give me a break...).  Well I said "OK, no problem let's go home".  So off we went back home to change and go to another store. 

So on the road again, we decide to try Home Depot, since they had their Weeping Cherry's on sale the week before, maybe we'll have luck there.   Absolutely nothing, now it's onto Lowe's (should have gone there in the first place).  Ah this is more like it, bigger selection, reasonably priced, getting into the grove and "Grammy I need to go bathroom!" (Great!)  So off I run pulling a garden cart with Bowyn on it as fast as I could, glancing over my shoulder now and again to make sure he was still on it and to say HOLD IT we're almost there, all the way through Lowe's.  Well at least we made it, but damn we picked a small stall, it's hard to fit 2 people in those things, but we did it and all was fine.  Well now we need a drink (water for him and alcohol for me please...) so it's off in search of refreshments, and yes they have them located at the front of the store, next to the check out.  Next thing you know we are arguing over what to drink (give me a break will ya!).  Okay, finally satisfied and replenished, it's back to the task of finding a tree (the perfect one of course), buying it and transporting it home with him in tow.   You'll  be happy to know that we did find a lovely "Weeping Pussy Willow", and now we are trying to plant it.  That's a whole other story.

Moral of the story:  Damn I'm too old for this stuff...